Art, Design

The Climate-Crisis in 8 Minutes

Info-Animation, 8’30” [at the moment only available in german] Researcg, Production, Directing, Animation: Eva Maria Dreisiebner  ​ Gefördert durch ein Arbeitsstipendium der Kunstuniversität Linz und des Österr. Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung. ​ What is the climate crisis all […]

Culture, Design


Doku Trailer | 01’44” | 2014 “kultref”, the student’s representations cultural department of Karl-Franzens-University, organised a historic city walk through Graz, Austria, as theatre improvisation show. The project was invented and led by Mara Lisa Lerchner.

Culture, Design, Video

International Women’s Day

Video | 05’52” | 2012 A documentation of the events that took place on International Women’s Day in Graz, 8th of March 2012. Various organisations and highly motivated people try to get attention for gender-related and sometimes still unknown problems […]